
Risk லேபிளைக் கொண்ட இடுகைகளைக் காட்டுகிறது

2024-07-04 06:56:46 Astrological Nifty Prediction : Nifty may look for 24400 | Are we heading for Risk

[ad_1] Daily Forecast – Share Market – July 4th, 2024 Nifty may look for 24400 | Are we heading for Risk Global and local Political movements important Moon with Jupiter leads the day, well supported by Mars, Rahu, Mercury, Saturn (Rx) and Venus. Indications are clear that keep a watch cues from foreign market/Geo-political situation, local government’s indication and news from the message of leader of council of ministers. Working of the government and pressure on the government may also be possible, difficult to say the reason (may be political, or partners or anything else), keep a watch on the market and news. This may have impact on the market. Impact of work quality of infrastructure has already dented the rosiness of the VIKAS. Let us hope some better things, possibly we may miss such things during the rainy season. Punishment from god and Nayadhikari or dandadhikari may be seen during the period of 139 days. So, it will be better for us to trade on news and movement b