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2024-09-04 06:55:32 Astrological Nifty Prediction : Nifty may test 25175 | Foreign cues Important | Pressure on upper levels

[ad_1] Daily Forecast – Share Market – September 4th, 2024 Nifty may test 25175 | Foreign cues Important | Pressure on upper levels Traders Use Strict stoploss Mars with Moon leads the day well supported by Sun, Jupiter, Saturn (Rx), Ketu and Mercury. Indications are that possibly market may show some movements, with some confusions (possibly), because Moon will be within Rahu Ketu axis and within 12 degrees distance. Same confusions/hesitation may be seen in government’s announcement or deferring some news (Chances). Surprising part of the market is – within 100 days, market has moved above 20%. Whereas global scenario – economic growth wise, at the same time local scenario (economic growth wise) and consumption wise is not attractive, but market is moving ahead. Global situation – politically and economically is not comfortable, but globally and our market is showing movements. Is this reason indicate something fishy or common man is floating money in the market with a hope

2024-07-30 07:38:51 Astrological Nifty Prediction : Nifty may test 24800 | Global cues and local players important

[ad_1] Daily Forecast – Share Market – July 30th, 2024 Nifty may test 24800 | Global cues and local players important Moon with Saturn leads again, well supported by Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Ketu. This is a fact that the emotion of the market may remain active, or we can say that market may show movements in various ways. Importantly crude may remain under pressure. Buzz in the market may be seen that China may show some sign of under pressure because of consumption part. On date, possibly some pressure on the upper levels may continue. Nifty may give indications surprising movements. I believe according to the planetary position despite of long-term capital gain tax, or other issues, market may show growth. I am bit confused for the movements. I agree that planets are supportive for the activities. But how this is going high, when consumption and inflation (food) is so high? Common man has no capacity to bear expenses. Food items and heavy tax structure of goods are costing

2024-07-15 06:56:20 Astrological Nifty Prediction : Nifty may try for 24600 | Cautious moves better | Stoploss important

[ad_1] Daily Forecast – Share Market – July 15th, 2024 Nifty may try for 24600 | Cautious moves better | Stoploss important Rahu may give sudden changes Moon, Jupiter with Saturn (Rx) are leading the day, well supported by Sun, Rahu and Mercury. We are just 4 working days away from the budget day. Market is involved in the preparation and anticipation for the budget. Market may expect that after the decline of seats for the major party, possibly budget may show some areas for the employment, but I still feel that because of some or other reasons, we may not see the thrust in employment sector or results of the budget may not be in the employment sector. Consumption in the market is down, surprisingly giants are not responding to the issue of low consumption and dropping in production. Possibly because of the policies once again we may see the situation of 2019, when consumer market was not buying the goods and big bakery company was forced to shunt 10000 employees till Decemb

2024-05-24 08:03:07 Nifty Prediction : Nifty waiting for direction | Nifty may try to hold 22900 | Stoploss important

[ad_1] Daily Forecast – Share Market – May 25th, 2024 Nifty waiting for direction | Nifty may try to hold 22900 | Stoploss important Sun with Mercury leads the day, well supported by Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Importantly today, lord of lagna of India’s Horoscope is defeated in planetary war with Jupiter lord of eighth house (ups and downs). Secondly, on 04-06-2024 lord of lagna will be totally combust. Panchgrahi yog will be seen in lagna of horoscope of India. Something interesting will be seen during the day of 04-06-2024. This may give impact on the movement of Nifty. Sell on upper levels also possible. I had mentioned in my previous post possibly in last month that Nifty will try to touch 23000 before 04-06-2024. I can remember Result Day elections, when UPA2 came. Poll opinion was against the win of UPA, but UPA 2 was repeated. Market swing towards upside started after great recession. Till date market is enjoying that movement. Remember poll opinions or other exp